Annual Suppliers Meeting comes back to its pre-Covid full swing

Toyota Boshoku Europe's Annual Suppliers Meeting has been established in order to recognise and appreciate high performance of our suppliers.
This year, we could finally meet altogether and hold the ceremony in real life. How much it means to shake hands and take part in interesting discussions face to face!
This also has been a perfect opportunity to present Toyota Boshoku Europe Purchasing vision, challenges and expectations. On this occasion we highlighted our net zero goals and sustainability guidelines. We have also prepared exhibitions covering four important topics: Net Zero, Localization, Jishuken, (Kaizen with TPS) & Sustainability.
But let’s go back to the most important. Our winners!
Quality, Delivery & Cost Improvement are the categories on which we put a lot of emphasis and we want to show how much we value suppliers’ efforts in improving their performance, especially in this difficult and challenging times for the industry.
During ASM2023 our suppliers could win Superior Performance, Achievement Award and Certificate of Recognition+ one Special Award. We want to say big congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your great efforts! See you next year!